About us

215 Squadron is apart of the centeral sector of number 3 welsh wing, 215 Squadron opened in 1941 with commanding officer Sir Arthur Whitten Brown, 215 Squadron is home to over 30 cadets and has been named Best Squadron 2005 and was awarded freedom of the city and county of swansea back in March 2016
Our commanding officer

Current 215 Squadron Commanding Officer; Flying Officer Sarah Blewitt
(pictured to the right)

Squadron STAFF

Flight Lieutenant
Sarah Blewitt
Squadron Commanding Officer

Flying Officer
Fern Thomas
Squadron Training Officer

Warrant Officer
Mark Brittle
Warrant Officer

Warrant Officer
Steve Hill
Warrant Officer
Christopher Roberts
Matthew Overment
Squadron ADJ

Civilain Instructor
David Blewitt
Squadron Band Expert
Civilian Instructor
Kelly Jarvis-Prior
Wing Sport's Officer!

officer commanding Nº3 Welsh wing
wing commander philip charles flower

Prior to promotion to Wing Commander, Wing Commander Flower was Squadron Leader Flower and Officer Commanding of 215 City of Swansea Squadron
Currently Wing Commander Flowers daughter Flight Lieutenant Sarah Blewitt is 215 Squadrons OC